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What You Need to Know Before Hiring a Live-in Nanny

Thinking of hiring a live-in nanny? You’re not alone. Live-in nannies are becoming increasingly popular in Perth and families are seeing the benefits.

One of these benefits is flexibility. Whether you need help in the morning, evening or while you're away for work, a live-in nanny can work around your schedule.

Live-in nannies are also cost-effective. Living expenses are deducted from your their pay, reducing the amount you spend on childcare.

Some families hire a live-in nanny to give their child a constant caregiver and deeper connection with another adult.

Whatever your reason behind getting a live-in nanny, it’s wise to do a bit of research before you hire one.

What do live-nannies do?

Every live-in nanny has a different role depending on the needs of the family. Their primary job, of course, is looking after your children but they can also be responsible for other things such as:

  • Food preparation (inc. bottle prep)

  • School drop-offs and pickups

  • Taking children to play dates and extracurricular activities

  • Running errands

  • Light cleaning and maintaining living areas (washing dishes, making beds, tidying)

  • Laundry (washing, folding)

  • Looking after pets

  • Food shopping

*It’s important to note that live-in nannies aren’t housekeepers and shouldn’t be expected to do heavy cleaning.

How many hours do live-in nannies work?

Work hours vary. Some nannies work full-time, others part-time. It really depends on your situation. You create a routine that works for both of you.

It's good idea to be aware of your nanny’s needs too. Just like any other job, nannies should never work more than 38 hours and should be given ample time to do their own thing away from the children.

Budgeting for a live-in nanny

Many families avoid getting a live-in nanny because they assume it will be too costly, but nannies in Perth are actually quite affordable.

A live-in nanny's hourly rate depends on their job description, as well as how many children they’re looking after. Another factor is their level of experience.

Live-in nannies are required to receive at least a minimum of $25 per hour. The costs of room and board (all meals should be included) are deducted from their pay. This is usually around $200 per week.

Wondering whether a live-in nanny is worth it? A good rule of thumb is if you need 20-40 hours of childcare, a live-in nanny may be more cost-effective than a live out Nanny.

Planning your home

Do you have enough room for a nanny to live comfortably? Your nanny will need a private area away from the rest of the family. This includes their own bedroom and, in most cases, their own bathroom.

It’s important to set boundaries with your family so everyone feels respected e.g. making sure members of the family don't go in your nanny's room. Respecting your nanny's privacy will make for a peaceful work relationship and home life.

Before you hire

It’s a good idea to outline your expectations from the beginning. The best way to do this is to plan before you hire. How do you do this?

We recommend you:

  • Write down your family’s timetable

  • Summarise the way you like your household to run

  • Create a list of what needs to be done each day

  • Write a job description based on what you outlined above

Having a clear job description will make your expectations clear and give your nanny guidance.

How can a nanny agency help?

When you’re already busy with work or errands, taking the time to find a suitable live-in nanny can be overwhelming. One of the benefits of choosing a nanny agency is they do the work for you.

Nanny agencies also know exactly what to look for in a nanny and how to match your children with the right personality.

Live-in nanny agencies do the following:

  • Get to know your family over a meeting or via the phone

  • Advertise specifically for your role

  • Pre-screen all candidates

  • Conduct reference and certification checks

  • Shortlist nannies for interviews

  • Organise interviews

  • Brief successful candidate on role

Do you need help finding a live-in nanny in Perth? Precious Poppets will find the right nanny for your family.

Contact Us now for further information.

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